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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

Look at this...A digestive table...Worms are composting table scraps at the dinner table. Go above link to read it all.
Photo by kevindooley

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Container Gaardens For NEWBIES

New? Don't be afraid.... anyone can grow a garden. Great ideas here.  .http://homegardeningblog.com/?p=11
Photo by NatalieMaynor

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Place For Trees And Plants

Well, we planted 4 more fruit trees yesterday. We love fruit trees and know it's safe fruit when we grew it. RAINTREE is located in Morton, Washington, but, they ship Nationwide. We've gone to their store in Morton, and had trees shipped to us...they did a great job. Go here.. http://www.raintreenursery.com/
Photo from their site.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Grow Edible Bamboo Shoots Video

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How To Properly Plant A New Tree

We have lots of fruit trees. Here's info on how to properly plant a new tree. Go here... http://www.thestarpress.com/article/20100314/LIFESTYLE/3140347
Photo by chesbayprogram

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Start Global Worming

Found this link on SUSTAINABLEHOME. Looks like good info. Go here... http://www.sustainablehome.com/wp/?p=224
Photo by Comrogues

Monday, March 8, 2010

Canned Garden Seeds

Do you want to store or plant high quality non-hybrid open pollinated seeds year after year? Then this is for you! Go here..http://www.foodforeveryone.org/vegetable_seeds/
Photo by LollyKnit

Raise Your Best Ever Garden in Your Custom Built Waist High Raised Beds

OK...this got my attention:This is what this site says....You've had to give up gardening because of pain and stiffness in your neck, back or kneesYou love to garden, but don't have a lot of roomYou've never gardened before but would love to give it tryLove to garden but hate to weedHave only a few minutes a week to tend a garden but want to be able to pick vine-ripened veggies or cut fresh flowers whenever you want.Go to... http://www.garden-rack.com/?hop=tradersnz
Photo by Linda N.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Divide And Move Rhubarb

Rhubarb coming up? Mine too...if you want to divide it and give some to your mother for her garden OR make a second rhubarb patch for yourself. Here's great information on how to do that...Go here....http://www.backyardgardeningtips.com/new-brunswick/dividing-our-rhubarb-patch-to-add-to-our-home-garden/
Photo by TimWilson

Friday, March 5, 2010

Control Garden Insects Safely..Article And Video

There's lots of great safe garden information at this site. Control insects in your garden safely and easily. Go to.. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/house-and-home/green-diy-tutorials-ward-pests-away-the-natural-way-1916542.html
Photo by photogirl7

Thursday, March 4, 2010

More On Making A Butterfly Garden

This is what this site says.."Making a butterfly garden involves growing leafy plants for caterpillars and planting fluffy blooms like leatrice, lavender and Black-Eyed-Susan. Create a butterfly-friendly garden with tips from a professional gardener" . Go here.. http://www.gardeningcaretips.com/gardening-tips/gardening-tips-how-to-make-a-butterfly-garden
Photo by aussiegall

How To Make A Butterfly Garden Video

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How To Use Earthworms As Animal Feed

Have chickens? Have a garden? Here ya go...castings and animal feed too..http://www.ehow.com/how_6002731_use-earthworms-animal-feed.html
Red Wigglers are also known as red worms and tiger worms...Jan
Photo by LollyKnit

Worm Grunting Video

Create A Garden Entrance

Beautiful garden ideas here. Creating a garden entrance. Found this on GARDENINGTIPSNIDEAS. Go to this site for great ideas. http://www.gardeningtipsnideas.com/2009/04/creating_a_garden_entrance.htmlPhoto by Garden Entrance by madaise

Monday, March 1, 2010

Worm Farming Or Composting?

What's the difference? Well, they're both great for gardens aren't they? YEP. How do I decide? Composting breaks down green matter..clippings, wood chips, leaves etc. producing heat when breaking down and making great natural garden mulch/fertilizer. Usually the compost pile needs to be turned to help break down the matter...Some compost tumblers are made to easily turn the compost and break it down. The compost has to be completely broken down and not 'hot' to place on your plants.Now, worm farming or worm bin composting is not the same thing. worms eat and break down kitchen scraps fruit rinds, banana peels etc....[don't use meat or dairy], creating wonderful worm castings that are put on the garden..worm castings are always safe for even delicate plants, has NO smell and can be created in your home or outdoors. Worms can be raised in plastic tubs or wooden boxes. Many folks buy worm compost bins, there are several types available online for sale. Castings also make compost tea for plants or gardens.Worms love the aged compost in your garden..BUT,they can not survive in the first type of compost above if it is still 'hot'.Does this help you decide? JA ROSE-BARTLETT 'Worm Guys' or 'Western Worms' www.wormguys.com
Photo by "D Sharon Pruitt"
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