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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Robots Taking Up Gardening

Breaking news-"More Robots Taking Up Gardening'. Really. Just look from BOTROPOLIS...http://botropolis.com/2009/04/more-robots-take-up-gardening/
Photo by A garden robot... by faeryboots

Monday, April 27, 2009

Homemade Drip Irrigation System

YOUGROWGIRL has this great information on building a homemade drip irrigation system. From this site, "One of the best ways to provide a steady water supply to your plants without your constant attention is the gradual watering system or drip irrigation. Through this method a device is employed that slowly delivers water into the soil directly around the roots. Commercial watering spikes can be purchased from you local garden centre however, using recycled materials you can make your own drip irrigation system for free. "Click here for instructions.---
Photo by Victoria Water Lily Ortonized by KaCey97007

Vermicomposting Trenches

Help your garden with Vermicomposting Trenches. Found this idea on WORMCOMPOSTING.CA. Go here and read it all... http://www.wormcomposting.ca/eco-gardening/vermicomposting-trenches/
Photo by Seaside garden by *Susie*

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ants Don't Like Cucumber Peels

Go to GREENLENT for safe gardening tips..like ants don't like cucumber peels. Click here... http://greenlent.blogspot.com/2009/04/spring-green-cleaning-and-growing-green.html
Photo by Prolific cucumbers by OakleyOriginals

Friday, April 17, 2009

Seed Swaping With A Twist

OK. Seed Swaping AND recipes. WOW. Life is great! Go here... p://birdsnsuch.blogspot.com/2009/04/seed-swapping-with-twist.html
Photo by Gone to Seed Already by Noël Zia Lee
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